Date: 4 April & 26 September 2024
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
For (those consulting to) managers of multicultural workforces, in one country or across different nations, who want to assure physical, social, and psychological safety in the workplace.

In this 1-day training you will become aware that culture is the key barrier or enabler of leading workforces to strategic safety in a multicultural workplace.
Your takeaways:
• You will learn how culture impacts social behavior, attitudes, and beliefs within each cultural level on what is right or wrong, preferred, or disliked. When people from different cultures interact the intentions behind perceived behavioral differences are never to seldom explained, often leading to misunderstandings, collisions and even conflicts.
• You will understand that you are ‘culturally programmed’ because cultural values are learned. Subsequently, this impacts your perception of other cultures. Understanding how you look at the world is key for the effectiveness of a cross-cultural leader.
• Become aware that change-, safety-, stakeholder management and leadership styles are strongly influenced by national culture and therefore differ across countries. You don’t have to learn about all countries. We will teach you that knowledge about the 7 culture clusters of the world will suffice.
• You will learn how to situationally lead in different cultures.
• Finally, you will take away that strategic safety in organizations in key for business survival. Especially in the present era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of global markets. A physically, social, and psychological safe culture enables a future-proof organization.
Your facilitators Ralf van Haastregt and Sjaak Pappe are very experienced cross-cultural change management professionals and safety experts.
Your investment: € 1.250,-
(incl. training material, a follow-up personal coaching session, excl. VAT, travel, hotel, catering costs)
(incl. training material, a follow-up personal coaching session, excl. VAT, travel, hotel, catering costs)
The number of seats is limited to 12. So don’t wait to register.