Organisations and Teams are like “Coconuts”

“Blue” evokes a sense of calmness, trust, and safety.
Organisations and teams are like “Coconuts”. Hard on the outside, hard to crack; they reveal little information on how people really work.
But once you’re in and understand the "unwritten rules of the social game", it feels soft and juicy.
“Blue” evokes a sense of calmness, trust, and safety.
Who we are:

Sjaak Pappe
I am Sjaak Pappe, educated as organisational and management sociologist, graduated in culture and safety, since 23 years working as independent facilitator for strategic innovation and culture management questions and since 2 years as entrepreneur in the distillery industry. I became self-employed after an international career at the multinationals Texaco, and Boots in managerial positions in the fields of personnel management and organisational development, total quality management, business proces improvement and customer service management.
My vision is that the political, economical, societal and technological tracks keep on changing so quickly that very often before policies, strategies, systems, processes and structures are implemented they become obsolete. Because people are most loyal to culture, this factor is able to deal with rapid changes. Enduringly successful organisations therefore cultivate responsive organisational cultures and knowledge systems. They rely less on the organisational ‘hardware’ factors and more on the collective ‘software of the minds’ of their people. That’s why it is my passion to facilitate professionals, leaders, managers, teams and organisations around the world to discover, develop and unleash their potential, national culture values and organisational norms and use them to innovate sustainably across the world
However, a culture can only flourish if it's safe and that’s why I am so excited to be involved in launching Coconut Blue. Culture-based safety management is examining the risks in the organisational culture that threaten the physical, social, and mental safety of employees. Guiding in developing, rolling-out and implementing solutions to make organisational cultures healthy and safe, ethically sound and enabling innovation applied by all, will therefore be my new passion.
My vision is that the political, economical, societal and technological tracks keep on changing so quickly that very often before policies, strategies, systems, processes and structures are implemented they become obsolete. Because people are most loyal to culture, this factor is able to deal with rapid changes. Enduringly successful organisations therefore cultivate responsive organisational cultures and knowledge systems. They rely less on the organisational ‘hardware’ factors and more on the collective ‘software of the minds’ of their people. That’s why it is my passion to facilitate professionals, leaders, managers, teams and organisations around the world to discover, develop and unleash their potential, national culture values and organisational norms and use them to innovate sustainably across the world
However, a culture can only flourish if it's safe and that’s why I am so excited to be involved in launching Coconut Blue. Culture-based safety management is examining the risks in the organisational culture that threaten the physical, social, and mental safety of employees. Guiding in developing, rolling-out and implementing solutions to make organisational cultures healthy and safe, ethically sound and enabling innovation applied by all, will therefore be my new passion.
Ralf van Haastregt
Ralf has over 20 years experience in international project and change management an has worked for large international organisations such as Vodafone, IBM and Shell. During this time he learnt that for every project to be successfull, a good understanding of both the national and organisational culture is essential.
Having lived and worked in Japan and now married to a Japanese, Ralf fully understand the complexity of working in and managing multinational teams. Additionally he is passionate about helping people and organisations making their next step in a better and safer world.

Harriët van Asperen
Harriët helps organizations & people to 'playfully' tackle challenging issues and solve them based on the Integral Value Management principles - Creating System Value. The safety of everything and everyone is at the heart of this.
As a Data Scientist, Business and Human Expert, she has combined the strengths from all kinds of fields into the unique 4D©-Gamifcator profession = Play-ducation #fun.
Specialties @ Coconut Blue: Keep IT Simple (KITS©) and Data Management reliable (QDM©).
As a Data Scientist, Business and Human Expert, she has combined the strengths from all kinds of fields into the unique 4D©-Gamifcator profession = Play-ducation #fun.
Specialties @ Coconut Blue: Keep IT Simple (KITS©) and Data Management reliable (QDM©).
Jeroen van Dommelen
Jeroen is passionate about setting up and scaling up companies. Within those companies he often takes the marketing and sales lead, but as a director/owner you have to have all trades. His last venture, that lasted almost 13 years, was a software company called CGE Risk Management solutions. That company specialised in risk management software based on the “BowTie” Method. That company grew to almost 3000 clients worldwide and was sold to Wolters Kluwer in 2020.
The other passion Jeroen has is risk management. Trying to understand which indicators lead to disaster. Coconut Blue addresses a new angle in understanding the human factor by looking at the cultural aspects of human behaviour. Can we make a translation from the norms and values that people get from the place they were born into a type of behaviour.

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