Safety Culture Analysis & Risk Assessment
Culture can be measured. And measuring is a first step to understanding your organisational behaviours, attitudes and beliefs.
Why measure culture?
Every organisation has an organisational culture. And your organisational is culture is unique to your company. However, how do you know whether your organisational culture is serving your needs?
By measuring via indirect questions and observations we reveal the cultural values and unwritten safety norms.
Subsequently we facilitate the alignment of these values and norms with your safety goals, objectives, and strategy.
Your dream result will be sustained and shared safe behavior across your organization or in your team which adds value to your bottom-line results.
How to measure culture?
Our unique culture measuring methodology goes beyond interviewing a subset of employees. Via an online questionnaire of less than 30 minutes, participants are requested to answer questions. These questions are formulated in such a way that are not able to guess why the question is included, allowing for culturally neutral responses.
Yes, it is really that simple.
Determining risks for your organisation: 5 Safety Culture Dimensions
Correlation berween known behavioural based risks and the outcome of the cultural measurement are translated into a Collective Human Behavioural Risks Assessment based on 5 Safety Culture Dimensions:
1. Team Safety
2. Safety Leadership
3. External Stakeholders’ impact on Safety
4. Handling Safety Hardware Resources
5. Safety Communications

Please contact us if you are interested in a demo or would like to know more about how SCARA measurements can provide insights for your organisation or services.